Menci | technology for recycling | ethical commerce | technical consulting for market ethic techno priest

Menci recycling technology

Menci, technical consulting techno priest for market ethic through concept project for technology recycling and ethical commerce

Menci, Technology for recycling, techno priest, market ethic, ethical market, conceptualise ethical technology, consulting technical project, ethical commerce, recycling technology, consulting ethical project

Menci, Technology for recycling, techno priest, market ethic, ethical market, conceptualise ethical technology, consulting technical project, ethical commerce, recycling technology, consulting ethical project

Ethical Value Net

Duck bathing in a pond near Louvres Paris
Duck bathing in a pond near Louvres Paris

Based near Lyon, a beautiful city in France, Menci Net aims to address savings everywhere possible, waste reduction, problem resolution at source, promote technology for recycling and ethical commerce within a Value Net model. Naturally, this will not please the large proportion of our “ civilisation ” whom generate their leaving wage from pollution and the creation of waste.

Without falling into Utopia, profits created within an economical model which take in consideration a process ecological impact with a long term vision, are considerable and guarantee perenniality of such a project. This requires more effort, and especially a rigour of every moment. It is comprehensible that very few choose this path, and yet, globalisation is showing, enterprises which progressed in symbiosis within their environment, are neither affected by the crisis, nor by cheap rate competition

The Journey with

Confucius said, The journey hold more importance than the destination. Menci Net offers to be the vector toward a real value objective through leading edge technology utilisation, effective design and an economical model focused toward future, in all simplicity.

Allegory : salary from waste and pollution generation
Allegory : salary from waste and pollution generation

Current market constraints require Internet activities as essential. Unfortunatly, it is a sole ingredient, and of small importance. What is behind the curtain, which is invisible, IS indeed the true vector of success. Our consultation carry all its projects with ethical value. The consultants of Menci Net work to increase projects perenniality with aim to provide a constructive solution, registered in the long run and not simply a commercial tool intended to generate short term profits without regards to all the remainder.

Technology for recycling : the recycling of our technology, of our manufacturing processes, assembly, final client delivery,…

Consultation about ethical projects is a manner to contribute our share to the generations to come. This step enable to establish foundations for an effective implementation of standard class ISO 9000, then ISO 14000.

Continue toward our skills…