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Credits, author, author menci, creator menci, creators
Credits, author, author menci, creator menci, creators
Franck Menci : Program, final edition, Franck likes modern technology. He has studied Advanced manufacturing and their operations on a meta level as well as the details, along his cursus. Any new machine, or software are his toys. As long as he can make it work, he feels satisfied. His dream is to see one day Virtual Manufacturing a reality.
Ben Popple : Technical consulting, Ben was founder of Internet InnovationUK in 1996. He designs advanced web sites. Though he was graduated with distingtion in physics, he spends most of his time on the web, learning how to trully develop advanced web sites.
Naushad Golamaully : Technical support, Nosh' is the "St Bernard" for any computer in the world. Whatever the problem, he will fix it. He spent four years learning about computers in St Petersburg, Russia. From the same school, were graduated many aeronautical engineers. He is now a reknowed system architect in London
Adele Grammauta : artistic advice, Italian translation and editing. She is ceramist, her art work stimulate the observer to engage dialogue between ideas through material and space. Revolutionary, she hopes to contribute to human condition improvement in the modern society and to the respect of the natural environment.
Menci net stems from a passion that was born around 1983 when Franck Menci, creator, received his first computer. In this age, very few software, even less games were existing. The only way to enjoy playing with a machine such as ZX81 microchip computer was to write the assembly code. Though it was a huge challenge, it was fairly simple to write about 4 instruction on 32k tables of 8 bits. Just compare to the 4Go tables of 64 bits available today with about a million of instructions. Nowadays, developpers have very powerful tools available, such as Microsoft Visual Studio. Nevertheless, the most basic text editor is still the prefered tool for our coding input.
In 1993, through BBS work, living Internet's birth, Franck discovered computer networking, already having acces to the beautiful Sun Spark Workstation in Coventry Unversity Computer Center. The tentation was too high, in October 1997 the first “ menci ” web site was registered under to finally become “ ” in April 2000.
The history of computer science starts,…
In April 2000, Franck decided to present on Internet a site where to express his liking for programming and multimedia documents.
dev1 - 01/04/2000
dev1.2 - 27/08/2000
As early as July, a first prototype was in place ; it was slow and undecipherable. Nevertheless, Sunday September 17th 2002, development #2 is launched. Alike ASP (Active Server Page), a database tool enables to build pages. It reduces considerably design time.
dev2 - 17/09/2000
During the four years following, this site was an experimental platform where a database and script generator producing the web common languages, such as HTML, VRML, SVG, XML, GML, AJAX, CSS, Javascript or even Flash. The 3rd development is a combination of files highly interactive and animated. There is a world map and an Art Gallery. However loading time are long and users must install plug-ins from Macromedia and Adobe. This was not so common these days on Netscape or MS Internet Explorer 5.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is in the cradle. In September 2004, from Virtual Reality Production Management schematic, site enters the virtual world. This version is mainly a laboratory. Nonetheless, the authors of this site are involved in the design of new methods to produce multimedia and help others create theirs.
dev2_2 - 25/03/2001
In future, the main subject focuses on environmental conservation and promotion of recycling technology. Internet aims to enable each and everyone to access documents from anywhere. This electronic page aims to generate new ideas that may help protect our Planet, Earth. For example, anything that human's hand or the machines (he makes) may extract from garbage may be recycled and would leave a smaller residue. This residue through technological improvement will reduce in quantity. Less and less garbage will be produced. The remainder may be burnt to produce energy, and ashes shall be used in compound to build roads and skyscrapers.
dev3 - 05/12/2001
The idea is simple. It is only possible to solve a problem if one knows its source cause ; it is never solved by dealing the effects. To help protect our environment, we hope to find source cause of its degradation, in order to better help solving the issues.
It shall be noted that this site respects what it preach. Bandwidth is saved and it is possible to print with smaller amount of ink, because colour intense features are removed, however technical functions remain.
dev4_6 - 07/03/2006
Course, research, essays, tests and a site really built to effectively work on every Web Browser Engines,
dev5 - 30/12/2007
dev6 - 02/09/2008
dev7 - 26/07/2009